Working From Home: A New Normal or Existing trend?

May 15, 2020 30 Min Read

Just as we were about to settle down into quarter one of 2020, different countries began to mobilise into some kind of lockdown - resulting with the majority of the workforce instructed to work from home.

In Malaysia, the government declared a movement control order which saw approximately 33.5% of employees working from home since March. Likewise in India, 96% of organisations rolled out working from home. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us are seeing working from home become the new normal. It has become a new trend that the wave of pandemic has washed up on our shores - but is it really so?

To understand better how the individual workforce perceives working from home, Leaderonomics conducted the following surveys:

  • Employees’ Perspective on WFH
  • Business Owners’ & C-Suites’ Perspective on WFH

Based on the surveys’ analyses and other research evidence, a series of topics would be produced with the aim of providing individual employees and organisations with better understanding of the relatively new concept, identifying best practices for effective working from home, and others.

Working from Home Series:
Part 1 - New Norms of Working: Driving Engagement in a Virtual World
Part 2 - Working From Home: A New Normal or Existing Trend?
Part 3 - Working From Home as the New Normal: How Ready Are You?
Part 4 - Working From Home: Overcoming Challenges and Developing Steps to Success
Part 5 - Working From Home: Pros & Cons and the Different Arrangements

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