About Us

Grow. Build. Transform.

Hey there, thanks for stopping by. Leaderonomics.com is a content creator and curator. Our parent company, Leaderonomics, is a social enterprise that comprises Learning & Development businesses, community development businesses and incubators to solve society's biggest issues. We’re Malaysian-based, and we’re happy to say we’ve branched out into a few other countries as well. Our mission is simple: Grow people into leaders, build Communities of love, and transform nations. Preferably, before lunchtime.

Alright, so maybe it’s not that simple.

Click on theLogoand journey through the stages of development of an individual based on the SOBL.

Science of Building Leaders

We couldn’t help but notice that great leaders both throughout history and in modern times have many things in common. If you were to lay out their whole lives chronologically next to each other, you’d notice many shared experiences across their early, adolescent and adult lives. And we mean a lot.

Sure, it could just be coincidental. But we don’t think so. You see, we found that when we tried to recreate these experiences with other people, more often than not, they would improve and grow. We were convinced we were on to something. Our research into these experiences eventually became our Science Of Building Leaders (SOBL) framework.

Foundational Leadership

Growing People Into Leaders

Foundational Leadership




Emerging Leadership

First Time Employee

Seasoned Employee

Executing Leadership

First Level Managers

Middle Level Managers

Top Level Managers

You are young and require a secure base for comfort and from which to learn. Often, the role of a secure base is played by parents, but any source of support works.

Click on all four components to understand how.

So how do you quantify something as subjective as leadership?

Based on our SOBL, we distilled leadership into four areas or Masteries.

To truly build leaders, we need to develop all four.

Functional Mastery
Functional Mastery

Functional Mastery

Developing expertise and experience in a subject or function

Leadership Mastery
Leadership Mastery

Leadership Mastery

The ability to make the right decisions based on context.

Business Mastery
Business Mastery

Business Mastery

Business acumen and a working knowledge of the way an industry operates.

Personal Mastery
Personal Mastery

Personal Mastery

The ability to be self-aware and understand one’s goals and relevant growth areas.

Click on all four components to understand how.

Science of Transforming Organisation

After some time, we found that developing individuals alone was insufficient if their environment did not support and nurture this growth. What good could come of placing a bright, young and motivated employee in a company that encourages only obedience? No, to truly affect change, we had to have a plan of transformation for organisations as well. Our research led to the Science of Transforming Organisations (SOTO) framework.


These two frameworks work symbiotically; you need strong leaders to build up a strong organisation, and you need a strong organisation to build strong leaders.


Transforming The Nation

You will find that our content reflects these beliefs. We have categorised our offerings based on roles derived from the SOBL and SOTO frameworks. Through this, we hope to bring you content that is relevant to your specific leadership needs.


We have also categorised our content into articles, videos and podcasts. Some people prefer to read, while others prefer to watch or listen. Rest assured, no matter where you are in your leadership journey, or how you choose to consume content, you will find a wealth of information at your disposal here at Leaderonomics.com.



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PS - Our founder, Roshan still writes and curates articles, videos and podcast here weekly.  And he loves connecting with you to provide more insights and ideas for him. Connect with him directly here

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