How to Make 2024 the Year You Follow Through

Jan 09, 2024 7 Min Read
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Unveil the Secrets to Transforming Resolutions into Achievements in 2024!

As the fireworks light up the sky, marking the beginning of 2024, millions around the world are fuelled with fresh enthusiasm and hope, setting ambitious New Year’s resolutions. However, despite these good intentions, a stark reality shadows these resolutions: a remarkably high failure rate. Studies have consistently shown that a significant majority of these resolutions unravel before the year even warms up. In fact, it’s estimated that only about 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions. This statistic isn’t just a number; it’s a reflection of lost potential and unfulfilled aspirations.

Why does this happen year after year? Why do so many of us find ourselves in a loop of making and breaking these promises? More importantly, how can we break this cycle to make 2024 not just another year of forgotten resolutions but a year of real, tangible achievements?

Why Resolutions Fail:

Setting Unrealistic Goals

The dawn of a new year often brings with it a wave of optimism and ambition. This can be a double-edged sword when it comes to setting resolutions. The desire to make significant changes in a short period can lead to setting goals that are more aspirational than attainable.

The Trap of Lofty Aspirations

  • Example Scenarios: Consider someone resolving to run a marathon by spring without any prior experience in long-distance running or someone aiming to achieve advanced fluency in a new language within a few months. While these goals are admirable, they may not be realistic given the individual’s current abilities, time constraints, and resources.
  • Disregarding Current Lifestyle: These goals often overlook the realities of one’s daily life. For example, a person with a demanding job and family commitments might struggle to find sufficient time for the intense training required to run a marathon.

Reality Check: Underestimating the Required Commitment

  • Time and Effort: Achieving significant goals requires a substantial investment of time and effort. People often underestimate the daily or weekly commitment needed to progress towards such ambitious goals.
  • Resources and Support: Achieving big goals often requires more than just time and effort; it may also need financial resources, equipment, or a support system, which might not be readily available.

Overestimation of Self-Change

  • New Year, New Me Fallacy: The “new year, new me” mindset can create an illusion that the turn of the calendar will magically bestow new habits, discipline, or skills. This can lead to a disconnect between one’s aspirations and their current habits or capabilities.
  • Immediate Transformation Expectation: Many people expect to radically change their behaviour overnight, which is rarely feasible. Real change is typically gradual and requires sustained effort over time.

Balancing Ambition with Realism

While setting high goals is not inherently bad, it’s crucial to balance ambition with realism. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Set Intermediate Goals: Instead of a single, monumental goal, set smaller, intermediate goals. For instance, if running a marathon is the ultimate goal, start with running a 5K, then a 10K, and so on.
  • Self-Assessment: Before setting a goal, assess your current lifestyle, responsibilities, and resources. This assessment can help in setting more realistic and achievable goals.
  • Embrace Incremental Change: Understand and accept that significant changes often occur through small, consistent steps over time, not instant transformations.

It’s essential to recognise that the mere act of goal-setting is just the beginning. The next critical phase, where many falter, is in the planning. Detailed and strategic planning is the bridge between setting a goal and achieving it. Let’s delve deeper into why the lack of planning leads to the downfall of many New Year’s resolutions:

Lack of Planning: The Missing Link

The Problem with Vague Aspirations

  • Broad Statements, No Direction: When goals are stated in broad terms like “get fit” or “save more money,” they lack specificity. These are aspirations, not goals. They don’t provide a clear path to follow and are devoid of tangible benchmarks to measure progress.
  • Need for Specificity: A goal to “get fit” can be more effectively planned as “exercise for 30 minutes at least four times a week” or “run a total of 10 miles per week.” Similarly, “save more money” could be reframed as “save $200 per month.”

Underestimating Challenges

  • Unforeseen Obstacles: Life is unpredictable. When setting goals, many people fail to consider potential obstacles like health issues, financial emergencies, or changing personal circumstances.
  • Plan for Contingencies: Effective planning involves anticipating challenges and having contingency plans. For instance, if your goal is to jog every morning, what’s your plan for inclement weather or busy days? If you aim to save a certain amount each month, how will you adjust for unexpected expenses?

The Necessity of a Step-by-Step Plan

Creating a detailed plan is vital for transforming lofty goals into achievable targets. Here’s why:

Breaks Down the Goal into Manageable Steps

  • Incremental Progress: A step-by-step plan allows you to break down your overall goal into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes the goal less daunting and provides a clear roadmap for daily or weekly actions.
  • Measurable Milestones: Having smaller, incremental goals allows for regular tracking and adjustments, keeping motivation high.

Facilitates Regular Review and Adjustment

  • Flexibility in Approach: A detailed plan isn’t set in stone. It should be reviewed and adjusted regularly to accommodate changes in circumstances or learning from what’s working and what’s not.
  • Feedback Loop: Regular review of the plan based on progress or setbacks allows for a more adaptive and responsive approach to achieving the goal.

Planning as a Dynamic Process

  • Living Document: Consider your plan as a living document. It should evolve as you progress towards your goal, incorporating new insights, learning from setbacks, and adapting to changes.
  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with yourself to review your progress, address challenges, and adjust your plan as needed.

Waning Motivation: The Fading Force

The initial burst of enthusiasm at the start of a new year is a powerful motivator. However, this initial drive can diminish over time, especially when faced with challenges or slow progress.

The Instant Gratification Trap

  • Expectation of Quick Results: We are increasingly accustomed to immediate outcomes in many aspects of our lives, thanks to technological advancements and the fast pace of modern life. This expectation often carries over into our goals, where we anticipate quick, visible results.
  • Disappointment in Slow Progress: When the desired changes or results take longer than expected, it can lead to frustration and disappointment. This is particularly true for goals that inherently require time, such as weight loss, learning new skills, or financial savings.
  • Impact on Motivation: This disappointment can significantly dampen motivation, leading to a gradual or even abrupt abandonment of the goal.

Lack of Intrinsic Motivation

  • External vs. Internal Motivation: Many resolutions are influenced by external factors – societal expectations, peer pressure, or trends. While these can initiate motivation, they often lack the staying power of intrinsic motivation, which comes from within and aligns with personal values and interests.
  • Fleeting Inspirations: Goals based on a momentary inspiration or a fleeting desire often lack deep-rooted motivation. Once the initial excitement wears off, sustaining the effort becomes challenging.
  • Sustained Effort Requires Personal Connection: For motivation to endure, it’s crucial that the goal resonates with your personal values, interests, or long-term objectives. When a goal is deeply connected to what you truly want or care about, it’s easier to maintain the motivation to pursue it, even when faced with obstacles.

Strategies to Maintain Motivation

Given these challenges, here are some strategies to keep motivation high:

Set Meaningful Goals

  • Align Goals with Personal Values: Choose goals that are meaningful to you personally, not just because they are popular or expected. When your goal aligns with your personal values or long-term aspirations, it fuels persistent motivation.

Celebrate Small Wins

  • Acknowledge Progress: Recognising and celebrating small achievements along the way can boost morale and motivation. It provides a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the belief in your ability to reach your goals.
  • Create a Reward System: Establish a system where you reward yourself for meeting smaller milestones. This can be an effective way to maintain enthusiasm and commitment.

Stay Flexible and Adapt

  • Be Open to Adjustments: If you find your motivation waning, be open to reassessing and adjusting your goals or methods. Sometimes, a small change in approach can reignite motivation.
  • Learn from Setbacks: Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, see them as learning opportunities. Understanding what didn’t work and why can provide valuable insights and renewed motivation to move forward.

Listen to : Cracking the Motivation Code to Overcome Demotivation

The key takeaway is that success in fulfilling our resolutions lies not just in the excitement of setting them but in the perseverance, planning, and adaptability we exhibit along the way. It’s about setting goals that are not only ambitious but also achievable, creating a roadmap that guides us through the daily actions required, and maintaining the motivation needed to overcome challenges and adapt to changing circumstances.

Remember, every step taken towards a goal, no matter how small, is a victory in itself. Celebrate these moments, learn from the setbacks, and keep pushing forward. The journey towards achieving your resolutions is a personal one, filled with unique challenges and triumphs. Embrace it with a mindset geared towards growth, resilience, and continuous improvement.

As you step into 2024, armed with these insights and strategies, approach your resolutions with a renewed sense of purpose and practicality. Let this be the year where your resolutions transform from wishful thinking into tangible achievements. Make 2024 a year of action, progress, and fulfillment. Here’s to a year of turning resolutions into reality, of making every day count, and of creating a year that truly reflects your aspirations and efforts.
This article was first published on

Edited by: Kiran Tuljaram

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Lee is an International Best Selling Author, Speaker & Leader and has been leading teams for nearly 20 years. He has a proven track record across HR, Technology and Business Transformation. He has led teams in excess of 60 people, delivered over $250m in annual cost savings, efficiencies, and revenue generation, successfully delivered 5 integrations following mergers / acquisitions and worked across 6 continents, 70 countries and with over 100 MNC clients. For more information on Lee, please click here.


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