Identifying and Building Grit in Oneself

Jan 05, 2021 23 Min Podcast

The passionate pursuit of hard goals that awes and inspires others to become better people, flourish emotionally, take positive risks, and live their best lives

Close up of a man's face looking focused (Grit)
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Never give up. Resilience. Perseverance. You have probably come across these terms before and may have wondered what's so special about grit? Well, all these terms are merely components of grit, as grit encompasses much more. Made popular by the author Angela Duckworth in her book 'Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance', the workforce and leadership positions of the present era demand a sense of grit that was perhaps lacking in the past.

Ang Hui Ming, Co-Founder of Leaderonomics talks about what grit is, how to identify it, and how to build it as she dives deep into the meaning of grit as defined by Caroline Adams Miller; executive coach, motivational speaker and author of the book 'Getting Grit: The Evidence-Based Approach to Cultivating Passion, Perseverance, and Purpose'.

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Raise Your Game is a podcast on series by BFM; The Business Radio Station, featuring experts that present real-life practical solutions to personal development, career growth and leadership.

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