From Day One: Making a Lasting Impact

May 16, 2023 7 Min Video
organization, values, inclusive, culture, welcoming working environment, belonging, workplace
"You never get a second chance to make a good first impression"

Joining a new company can be a daunting experience for many, whether you're transferring to a new company or starting your first ever job or internship. It's natural to wonder if you'll fit in with the company's culture and values, get along with your coworkers and managers, and be accepted by them. These are valid thoughts and feelings to have because, at the end of the day, as human beings, we all value validation and acceptance from others. 

To help new employees feel more comfortable and confident in their new environment, everyone involved must make an effort. For new employees, being open-minded, genuine, and your authentic self is key. But existing coworkers and managers also play a crucial role in creating that smooth transition. As we've all been in their shoes before, and we know how confusing and overwhelming it can be. Adopting an inclusive and welcoming culture is thus important for everyone in the organization, as it can make new employees feel more at ease. 

The video above demonstrates ten helpful tips for welcoming new employees, such as introducing them to the team, familiarizing them with the company's values and procedures, and acknowledging their contributions. Although the video is dated, the key takeaways and advice are still applicable today, regardless of what type of organization or company you work for. 

Creating an inclusive and welcoming working environment for new employees is essential as it promotes employee engagement, retention, and productivity. Conversely, a negative or toxic working environment can lead to a high employee turnover rate, lower morale, decreased performance, and damage to the organization's reputation and brand.

Remember, "you never get a second chance to make a good first impression" – Will Rogers. 

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Arric is a content editor and creator under the Special Projects Team at Leaderonomics. He is a Biomedical Science graduate who is also passionate about the creative arts. Some fun facts about Arric include that his MBTI is ENFP, known for their enthusiastic and creative nature, and that his love languages are physical touch and quality time, highlighting his appreciation for meaningful connections and personal interactions.


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