Editor’s Note: Youth, The Leaders Of Tomorrow

A few of us Leaderonomers were at the Brand You Conference last week and several of the corporate women we spoke to were pleasantly surprised to see how the Leaderonomics team was comprised mostly of young people.
I guess it never really occurred to them that with the extensive corporate, media and community work our organisation does, ‘young guns’ like us could bring something of such value and impact to the table.
Then again, it does take time and effort for us to reach a certain level of maturity, and as long as we avail ourselves to take on a challenge, we can always learn from each other.
International Youth Day (IYD), observed every August 12, has been an annual celebration designated by the United Nations since 2000. The purpose is to draw attention to youth issues globally. This year’s IYD theme is Youth Civic Engagement, and this week’s pullout is centred specially around youth.
According to educator and author Thomas Ehrlich, civic engagement involves working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes.
Yes, we may label today’s youth as the ‘selfie’ (and self-indulging) generation. However, there are many out there who realise that they are the next generation to carry the baton of leadership in social, political and environmental change.
Once they connect the dots of their very existence on earth, you’ll be amazed at what they can achieve, and focus on fulfilling those higher purposes in their lives.
Therefore, it is always encouraging to hear Malaysian youth making a difference by becoming agents of transformation in various organisations to empower others and to sow seeds of kindness.
As young as they are, we must start cultivating good values in them early before it is too late. Just like the saying goes, melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya. So, let’s work together to prepare the way for this gregarious generation of game changers!
Meanwhile, check out our Re-Act competition here. Exciting prizes await you!
Hope you enjoy what we have put together for your pleasurable weekend read.
Take care!
Lay Hsuan
Editorial coordinator
Here is the list of stories for the week:
- Quotable Quotes: International Youth Day 2015
- Some Fast Facts About Youth
- How To Nurture Creativity And The Ability To Innovate From Young by Marcus Lim
- Discovering Your Best Self Early In Your Youth by Arielle Yen
- 5 Steps To Build A Personal Mission Statement by Arielle Yen
- It Only Takes A SPARK To Light Up The World! by Nedim Karaevli and Karen Neoh
- Hurry, Sign Up For SPARK Auditions Now!
- How Bullying Shouldn’t Take Control Of Your Life by Daniel Lee
- Engaging The Voice Of Youth For Tomorrow by Lay Hsuan, Lim
- How Music Helps You Lead by V. Kugantharan
- Are You Your Own Green-Eyed Monster? by Alvin Dan
- Tips For Dressing Up From College To Corporate World by Wendy Lee