Being Utterly Curious, And Nurture It Throughout Life

Dec 03, 2018 17 Min Podcast

Even if we don't know the answers as parents or teachers, we can lead them towards the right avenue to find the answers for themselves.

A close up of an owl's face (curiousity)
Why it needs to be continuously developed

Curiosity is sometimes not encouraged in our lives. Yet curiosity is a high determinant of success and progress in one’s journey through life. In fact, curiosity is not only a significant part of our performance character, but it also leads to our ability to connect the dots in order to achieve something meaningful and of great value.

Eva Christodoulou, Head of Solutions and Services (Budaya) at Leaderonomics Digital, shares about the importance of curiosity in one’s leadership journey, and how to go about developing it over the years.

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Raise Your Game is a podcast on series by BFM; The Business Radio Station, featuring experts that present real-life practical solutions to personal development, career growth and leadership.

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