Infographic: 17 Effective Ways For Entrepreneurs To Manage Their Time

Oct 26, 2017 1 Min Read

Time seems to be the only element in the world that cannot be retrieved once it is lost. It is also a fair gift given to all of us. No matter how rich or how poor we are, from blue collar workers to senior managers of big or small organisations, we all have 24 hours in a day to spare – no more, no less.

How is it that we often complain of not having enough time to do other tasks in our to-do list, despite all the technology purportedly developed to help us save time and increase our productivity?

Basically, time management is a skill that we can develop over time with constant discipline and consistency. It will include the following:

  • planning and organising
  • setting goals and objectives
  • delegation of responsibilities
  • setting deadlines
  • prioritising activities according to their importance
  • right allocation of time to the right task

For all the struggling start-up leaders out there, these tips may be for you.

Time management tips

To find out some of the culprits that may derail you of your time, read this: Wonder Where Your Day Went?

To learn some simple steps that can make you more efficient in managing time and your daily activities, check this out: Plan Ahead, Be The Master Of Time

Sometimes, it’s good to take some time to do absolutely nothing. Here’s why: The Importance Of Doing Nothing

This might interest you: Where Do You Spend Your Time?

Recommended for all you procrastinators out there: My Top 10 Ways In Combating Procrastination

While it’s true that time management has a lot to do with mind management, we need to manage our energy too. Read this: Managing Your Energy, Rather Than Your Time


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Infographic first appeared here.

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