Best Boss Assessment: Step Back To Re-Evaluate

Jan 30, 2015 1 Min Read


Adapted from Chris Roebuck’s Mach 2 questionnaire

After taking the Mach 2 questionnaire, here are some hard questions to ponder and ask yourself, before taking action on some of your leadership competencies that need improvement.

  1. Do you constantly observe that your team members are going in different directions?
  2. Are your members always wondering what Plan B and C is?
  3. Are you always pointing fingers when something goes wrong, instead of troubleshooting and thinking of ways to prevent it?
  4. What kind of vibe do you bring to your team, i.e. are you motivating your people or are you micromanaging them?
  5. Are you the first person to know what has happened to your team members, or are you usually the last to know?
  6. Do I know what motivates my team members in their work?
  7. Do I let my emotions run high, or do I usually respond calmly (but firm)?
  8. Do my team members trust me enough to open up honestly with me?
  9. Are you communicating your expectations of the business clearly to your team?
  10. Am I actively seeking out signs of high potentials in my team to develop them further?

Related article: Are You The Best Boss?

Published in English daily The Star, Malaysia, 31 January 2015

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