Roberto Carlos Kicks Off The Real Madrid Foundation Clinics In Malaysia

What can football teach us about leadership? Obviously, plenty of lessons since it enticed Real Madrid Foundation to set up their famed Clinics for Malaysian youths at Epsom College Malaysia (ECiM) – a co-educational boarding and day school located at Bandar Enstek.
Promoting values such as leadership, teamwork, respect and humility, the Clinics do not just hone technical skills but they also test and develop participants’ mental and emotional strengths to help them be outstanding individuals on and off the pitch.
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Speaking at launch of the football clinic, Real Madrid Foundation’s clinics and campus head Andreas Muntaner said:
Football is not just about the playing or the competition, but it is also about the values attached to the sport itself. It is about the friendships you build and the teamwork you create.
The facility was launched at ECiM recently, by Real Madrid’s ambassador in Asia-Pacific Roberto Carlos, chairman of ECiM’s Board of Governors Tan Sri Dr Tony Fernandes, and several key personnel from the Real Madrid Foundation and Real Madrid C.F.
Professional Real Madrid coaches, who have given world-class training to thousands of children around the world, will be conducting a one-week and two-week residential training for young Malaysians aged between 11 and 17, from July 23 to August 5. For the record, some 35,000 players took part in the Clinics in over 40 countries around the world last year.
The programme is open to anyone within the age category for a fee and besides the tactical football training, participants will also have access to unique leadership and character development programmes by Leaderonomics – who serve as the educational partner in this programme – when they are not on field.
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Muntaner added that all proceeds from the clinics will go into social programs to help underprivileged children.
For more details on the programme, pricing, schedule and registration, visit
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Photo courtesy of The Real Madrid Foundation Clinic.