#NALS2017: Getting To Know Farah Nabilah Mohd Azman

Jan 31, 2017 1 Min Read

Undeniably, we are banking on our youths today to set a clear and purposeful vision for Malaysia and the world. To prepare these young leaders to become tomorrow’s agents of transformation, Leaderonomics is playing its part by partnering and supporting youth initiatives and/or movements such as the National Aspiration and Leadership Summit (NALS) 2017.

As learning partner to NALS 2017, we have a strong faith that our youths can be the next generation of leaders to take us to new heights of leadership and influence in the global arena.

Thinkonomics set

Thinkonomics ©Leaderonomics

Leaderonomics caught up with Farah Nabilah Mohd Azman, one of their NALS leaders who loves ancient history and cooking, and is currently completing her Bachelor of Arts at the University of Queensland, Australia.

We asked her some thought-provoking questions from our Thinkonomics set, a gameplay that consists of various thinking questions based on our five Leaderonomics values:

  1. Relationships
  2. Empowering
  3. Giving
  4. Growth
  5. Building the future


Q&A with Farah Nabilah

1. Are you more worried about doing things right or doing the right things? Why?

That depends. In any case, I will try to ensure that I do both – doing the right things and doing it right. However, my past experiences have taught me that the most vital aspect of executing a task is to ensure that it has a clear goal and that goal would end with a positive and desirable result. There are times when we do things right but the outcome would be on the contrary to the positive outcome we desire. Just do your best and figure what you want to accomplish.


2. What is your ideal future?

With all the experience I am gathering in my current studies and in participating in many leadership programmes, I would like to join the United Nations, specifically World Health Organisation. I believe I have what it takes to make a dent in this complex world, as I’m driven to be part of a bigger purpose in the service of humanity. I wish to help those in need regardless of diversity.


3. If you are going to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose and why?

I would definitely choose any historical documentary, for example, Pompeii: The Last Day. This is because of my love for ancient history and for the fact that I will be able to learn more about things that have happened in the past. Although I might not experience it first-hand, I will definitely get the opportunity to learn from people in the past. I believe life experiences (even those that we witness) are the best teachers in life.


4. Do you agree with the proverb “It takes money to make money”? Why?

Money can be leveraged to generate more money, definitely. However, the statement has a limit to a certain extent where sometimes all you need is ideas and the sheer will to make things happen. With great ideas, good deals and a supportive team behind your back – anything is possible. If you are positive enough and willing to make things happen for a good cause – money will find you.


5. What is the most expensive gift you have ever received? Was it the best gift ever?

Time, I believe, is the most expensive gift I have ever received from my parents. Despite my parents’ busy working schedules, they always find time to spend it with me. They never missed any of my parents-teacher meetings since I was in the first grade, and my many other school-related activities. My parents devote enough time to watch me grow, to love me and to always be there for me whenever I need them. That is the best gift in my life.


6. Your hope for Malaysia.

Many people nowadays are lacking the ability to retain life’s core value, i.e. positive self-conscience. Many Malaysians are stressful today because of distressful economic times. I hope Malaysia can reach the advanced economy status in the future. In the meantime, we can always bring positive results through small changes through volunteerism and some smiles along the way.


If you would like to find out more about our Leaderonomics Campus to help your university accelerate further, email us at campus@leaderonomics.com. To know more about what Leaderonomics do as a social enterprise, check out www.leaderonomics.org. To know more about the NALS 2017 event, click here.

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This article is published by the editors of Leaderonomics.com with the consent of the guest author. 

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