Why Failure is Simply Information

Jan 20, 2021 13 Min Video
A silhouette of a man walking at sunset (failure)
Business failure and personal growth go hand in hand

Your business is the ultimate vehicle for your personal growth.

"We had an early Facebook, we had an early Instagram but the little tweaks were what mattered. Those were some of the failures we had. So we lost time and money there, but that's the act of being a venture builder."

Vishen Lakhiani; Founder and CEO of Mindvalley, shares his thoughts on making mistakes, the importance of meditation and how Mindvalley is compensating for the broken education system in Malaysia.

A Malaysian-born entrepreneur, motivational speaker and author of two books, namely; The Code of the Extraordinary Mind and The Buddha and the Badass, Vishen empahises the importance of becoming an expert at failure.

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