How Forgiveness Unlocks The Path To Success

Finding an entrepreneur who hasn’t been hurt or wronged somewhere, somehow along the way is next to impossible. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Pain and disappointment are inevitable parts of the journey we call life.
We have a choice: to hold on to hurt and resentment or to let go and move forward.
By choosing not to forgive past hurts and offenses, we end up consumed with anger. We find it difficult to trust others. Anger and resentment sap our energy and keep us living in the past, rather than looking toward the future.
On the contrary, choosing to let go can be incredibly freeing. Forgiving someone who has wronged you is a powerful character-building exercise. Forgiveness isn’t easy. In fact, it can be incredibly difficult. The strength, humility and personal growth it requires will serve you as you face challenging obstacles in the future.
The most successful entrepreneurs choose to forgive. Their ability to forgive is often what opens doors and opportunities that they would have been closed off to otherwise!
Learn to forgive these four people to open your own gateways to success:
1. Forgive your parents
Like us, our parents are imperfect beings who sometimes make poor, hurtful choices. For your own emotional well-being, it’s important to forgive your parents for all the mistakes they have made, both in your childhood and adulthood. This is true whether they are living or have passed on.
At a minimum, your parents gave you the precious gift of life. If you value this gift, forgive them for their wrongdoings. Forgiving your parents is one of the most liberating choices you’ll ever make. The very act requires maturity, acceptance and great character. If your parents are living, articulating your forgiveness can open a door for mutual respect and even friendship. At a minimum, it can help diminish feelings of insecurity and anger that may have been lingering inside you for years or even decades.
2. Forgive your loved ones
You should challenge yourself to forgive your spouse, friends and past relationship partners. These relationships can be intense. Because they require trust, loyalty, open communication and vulnerability, the pain involved can cut deeply and leave lasting scars. Pain caused by loved ones can leave anger, resentment and insecurity to fester for years. This not only holds you back but is toxic to your physical and mental health.
Oftentimes, two parties hold some responsibility when relationships hit bumps or take a turn for the worst. Dig deep and ask yourself, “Do I bear a culpability?” Take ownership of any mistakes you made. Have the personal integrity and strength to articulate your forgiveness and wish them well. This is the only way to counteract painful memories, open your heart and move forward with peace and a positive outlook.
This is especially important if the person who has wronged you is an active part of your life, but it’s equally liberating to forgive past relationship partners and people with whom friendships have been severed.
3. Forgive people in your professional life
Entrepreneurs can be wronged in a multitude of ways by clients, business partners, employees, competitors, service providers, and even clients. Sometimes the wrongdoing is the result of an honest mistake − one that set you back or lost you money − but a mistake that caused you or your business harm nonetheless.
Other times, you may be intentionally wronged by someone you trusted. Maybe they didn’t honour a commitment, abandoned ship when you needed them, or spread negative comments about you to people you respect or hope to do business with.
Whatever the case may be, these hurts are real and can distract you from pursuing your goals. Don’t let holding onto resentment hold you back from building the business you’re capable of building. Open your heart, offer forgiveness and do your best to associate yourself with people of integrity in the future.
Read More: Sorry? CEOs And Everyone Need To Learn To Apologise
4. Forgive yourself
Sometimes, the most important person you need to forgive is yourself. Forgive yourself for the thoughtless, silly things you’ve said or done, but also the intentional, hurtful things.
- Do you regret the damage or pain you have caused?
- Did you take responsibility, apologise and try to right the wrong?
- Do you intend to try your best to avoid making the same mistakes in the future?
If the answer to these questions are “yes”, it’s time to forgive yourself and move forward with a clean slate.
You are a different person today than you were when you made those mistakes. For that reason, you don’t deserve − and can’t afford − to carry these mistakes around with you forever. Spend your time and energy looking to the future, not the past. Forgiving yourself will set you free to explore new opportunities with a clear head and open heart.
Dear entrepreneurs, is there someone in your personal or professional life whom you haven’t forgiven?
Choosing forgiveness will be one of the most difficult but rewarding decisions you ever make.
The choice is yours.
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Tags: Personal Growth