The 3 Types of People Who Get Stuck

There are three types of people who want solutions but don’t find them, even though answers knock at the door.
Finding a solution starts with who you are.
These are the three types of people who always get stuck
Perfectionists who look down on imperfect progress
The need to get it right the first time calls perfectionists to play it safe. Perfectionists feel powerful saying, “That won’t work.” John Acuff says the first lie of perfectionism is,
“Quit if it isn’t perfect.”
“Perfectionism is the cousin of stagnation.”
Tip: Ask questions that enable progress.
- What changes if you do nothing?
- What’s the worst that could happen?
- How might you try something that you’re confident will succeed?
Know-it-alls filled with blame
The problem is always others when failure persists and you’re in the right.
“The finger of blame reflects a closed mind.”
Tip: Ask questions that create openness.
- What if they’re just a little right?
- What if you’re just a little wrong?
- What would you consider if you were (insert a different perspective)? For example, older/younger, male/female, powerful/weak, customer/employee, etc.
Victims waiting for rescue – when they’re capable of moving forward on their own – always get stuck.
The world is filled with needy saviours who validate themselves by solving other people’s problems.
“Needy saviours validate helplessness every time they rescue capable ‘victims’.”
Tip: Ask questions that enable others to explore their own solutions.
- If I wasn’t here, what would you try next?
- How have you worked through problems like this in the past?
- What might (insert the name of an expert) do?
- What options are available? Which one would you like to try?
This article is also available in Chinese.
Which type of person is most prevalent, from your point of view? Perfectionist, Know-it-all, Victim?
What type of person might look for solutions but doesn’t find them? What might be helpful for them?
You won't be any of the above three types of people if you have Necole! Check out this video to know more.
If you want to read more on the topic above, there is a good compilation of articles in this amazing learning app called Necole. Necole is a state of the art learning platform that curates personalised learning just for you. To find out more about Necole, click here or email
Tags: Executing Leadership, Transformation & Change, Growth Mindset, mentoring