5 Possible Causes Of HR Strategic Implementation Failure

Oct 31, 2014 1 Min Read

Photo credit (above): chintermeyer | Flickr

Cause No. 1: Poor coordination within management

  • Incongruous goals, opinions, and policies among upper-level executives can obstruct the cross-system cooperation required by the strategy.

Cause No. 2: Employees aren’t buying in

  • Employees within the company do not understand the strategy.
  • Employees feel no personal responsibility to fulfill the strategy.
  • It’s possible they may feel that their efforts will be inconsequential in actually bringing about a change, or perhaps they are contemptuous of management.
  • Employees are impassive towards the execution of the strategy, and exert no enthusiasm in taking part.
  • Employees are uninspired by the overarching goals of the strategy.

Cause No. 3: Inadequate change within the work unit

  • Managers fail to direct the efforts of their work units towards conforming with the new strategy.
  • Managers’ styles and tactics undermine employee enthusiasm about the strategy.
  • Work proceeds as usual even within those units whereby the strategy requires swift and considerable change.

Cause No. 4: Weak inter-departmental collaboration

  • There are insufficient processes employed to advance the collaboration between different operating and functional areas.

Cause No. 5: There exists no measurement of progress

  • A method of measuring progress towards the desired goals is either deficient or else entirely absent. It is difficult, if not impossible, to tell what exactly is changing.
Source: excerpt from compareHRIS.com


First published in English daily The Star, Malaysia, 1 November 2014

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