4 Ways Organisations Can Increase Gender Inclusion

Jun 04, 2020 5 Min Read
gender inclusion
Change in Culture is Necessary to Increase Gender Inclusion

The evidence shows that a masculine contest culture reduces safety, trust, learning and innovation. There are diminishing returns if everyone is not treated with care and respect.


Talk about gender-balanced, inclusive cultures is now more prevalent. But talk is cheap. To increase gender-inclusion we need to change the masculinity of work cultures, and to do that we need to disrupt biases and change the way we lead.

Organisational culture is an important lever and HR Directors know that it is hard work to change it. Changing attitudes, especially subconscious ones, is even harder work. The work is made easier when organisations are clear about the cultural elements that will drive future success; the supporting behaviours and attitudes can then be defined and communicated. That includes identifying:

  • What we want to change, and what we aspire to.
  • The benefit of change; there are plenty of people who don’t see the value of diversity, so we need to keep articulating its value to organisational success.
  • The need for engagement, responsiveness and persistence over a three to five year period.

While there are more ways to do this, here are four priority areas HR Directors can oversee to help to organisations disrupt biases, increase gender inclusion and create a better culture for everyone:

1. Ensure Clear, Committed Leadership Messages

What do leaders do and say? That’s what culture is. And that’s how people judge leaders’ commitment to achieving a gender-balanced culture. If a leader’s actions don’t match their words, people will be confused.

Clear leadership messages orient people around purpose; when diversity makes sense and they know why, people will sign on.


At international design practise HASSELL, gender breakdowns for each of their professional groups were mapped, at each level of seniority. By focusing on their pipeline and fixing its skew, they have reduced the anticipated time to reach gender balance from a century to a decade. They crunched their numbers, clarified their aspiration, and let everyone know about it. Clear leadership messages orient people around purpose; when diversity makes sense and they know why, people will sign on. Help your leaders create clear messages, help them construct clear narratives, and provide feedback on how they can improve.

2. Consciously Assess and Act in Favour of a Gender-Neutral Culture

HASSELL’s strategy was based on an analysis of where gender-balance was lacking. Their focus on a strong cultural context made the purpose of their strategy clear. What stands out is how diversity was woven through the levels of their brand and culture; threads of learning, insight, creativity, collaboration and inclusion lock diversity of thinking in as fundamental to their work. They identified areas that weren’t gender-balanced and created actions to change that. Their 80% benchmarked engagement score shows how much people appreciate clarity about what the culture is.

Help your leaders to understand just how much difference their behaviour can make to the culture. If they aren’t clear about what they need to do, help them become clear.

3. Support Leaders to be More Inclusive and Do Leadership Well

It’s in everyday behaviour that culture comes to life. This makes coaching a go-to tactic. If leaders coach, they show how to be constructive and inclusive, and help others to be the same. The evidence shows that a masculine contest culture reduces safety, trust, learning and innovation. There are diminishing returns if everyone is not treated with care and respect.
You can support leaders to be more inclusive by:

  • Helping them understand the value of diversity.
  • Showing them how to prioritise psychological safety.
  • Reorienting them away from competition and dominance.
  • Showing them the value of flexible styles of leading.
  • Developing mindsets and skills on how to lead inclusively.
  • Making it clear and easy to assess talent fairly.
  • Giving them the skills to have conversations they find uncomfortable.
  • Recognising their successes.

4. Provide Leaders With the Encouragement and Tools they Need.

Consistency by leaders sustains change. Diversity and inclusion need to be said and done, to be kept on the agenda. Two years down the track at HASSELL, their gender-balance strategy was enabled by their culture and is now in turn an enabler of their refreshed brand. The consistency is mutually reinforcing.

As what leaders say and do is core to culture, make sure they are held to account. There’s no point saying ‘This is what our culture is’, then letting transgressions go. Take a growth mindset and use bumps in the road as an opportunity to learn. You can shape organisational leaders in the challenging task of culture change by pursuing one small adaptive action each day. If you have leaders who are keen or open but don’t quite know what to do or how to do it, make them a priority. Give them one tool that they can practise each day, get feedback, practise some more, then try the next.

Read: Positive Psychology: Harnessing the Good and Right in People



4 Ways Organisations Can Increase Gender Inclusion I Image by Leaderonomics

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Dr Karen Morley is an authority on the benefits of gender-balanced leadership and how to help women to succeed at work. She helps leaders understand the value of inclusive leadership to organisational as well as social outcomes. She is the author of Beat Gender Bias: How to play a better part in a more inclusive world; Lead like a Coach: How to Make the Most of Any Team and Gender-Balanced Leadership: An Executive Guide

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