Hap Seng Group Gives Back

Dec 22, 2017 1 Min Read


A progressive business is often viewed as one that runs successfully and is also able to deliver and think about benefiting society beyond the interests of the company. Hap Seng Group (HSG) – together with partners like Sabah State Education Department, District Education Department, and KPSKTM – Ministry of Resource Development and Information Technology Sabah – aims to open up minds and horizons for youth, to give them the confidence to dream big and be more than they are.

Here are some of the education programmes that the company runs throughout Sabah, to build confidence among youth and provide the necessary skills for their daily lives:

Puan Sri Maimon

“Instead of just complaining about the career readiness of the incoming graduates to our workforce, we in Hap Seng Group decided to be part of the solution, thus, the emphasis on education for our CSR investment. Our programmes focus on the skillsets of the 21st century, high order thinking skills (HOTS), as prescribed in the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025; where students are exposed to problem solving, ideation, and communication. It is also very crucial that they inculcate the habit of willingness to share, collaborate and work as a team. This will develop their confidence, open up their mind to possibilities and dare to dream big.” Puan Sri Maimon Arif Patail, CSR Director of Hap Seng Group.

HAP SENG GROUP D-CODE (2015-2016) HSG D-Code is a coding programme aimed at helping students learn computer programming (coding) skills, build confidence, and promote logical thinking and problem solving skills. It also cultivates leadership and good team player traits. l 1,061 students from 210 out of 212 government secondary schools around Sabah through 25 camps


“The students were not only able to learn the new language of coding, but also showcase their personalities, build confidence and communication skills and form collaborations among themselves through a variety of platforms and tasks. Aside from that, they mentored students from other schools by assisting their innovation projects in a few national competitions such as the National Code Challenge, Malaysian Computing Challenge, and the recent Young Innovate Arduino Challenge.” Kuit Vui Ket, Teacher, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan SANZAC, Kota Kinabalu


“After attending this programme, I was able to do a presentation in front of a lot of people more confidently. Before this, I used to avoid presentations at all costs because I do not like being the centre of attention. With the support and positivity from my teachers and the facilitators, I was able to overcome my anxiety during the camp.” Nur Aqeela Arujin (pic), Student, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kundasang, Ranau

HAP SENG GROUP D-CODE SECOND PHASE (2017) l An advanced coding programme which reached out to 211 students from 66 secondary schools around Sabah through eight camps l 125 new coders, 86 old coders from HSG D-Code (2015- 2016). Many learn from old coders, showing the existence of effective peer-to-peer learning


“After this camp, I will continue to share my knowledge with my friends in school since I know so much about coding now. I also plan to learn more programming languages and create more website and mobile app prototypes in order to improve my skill. I plan to choose a career in software engineering when I grow up.” Nur Aqeela (pic), after taking part in the D-Code programme once more this year.


Hap Seng SUMMER CAMP In Tawau, Sabah (2017) l 120 kids and youth from Bandar Sri Indah, Tawau and its surrounding – aged between 7 – 15 years old l Six days of intentional leadership, character and self-development. Every participant was empowered to play a part in their own graduation ceremony on the last day. They were in charge of being the emcee, giving a keynote speech, as well as conducting performances to entertain their parents and esteemed guests. l Ensured the portrayal of four integral leadership values learned through theory and further embedded via various experiential learning exercises and games and applied during their Make A Difference Project – their graduation ceremony. These values include: Enthusiasm, Creativity, Patience and Responsibility, all of which were exhibited in the planning and execution of their graduation day project.


“I have learnt a lot in this camp. I learnt about responsibility, enthusiasm, teamwork and creativity. I am glad to be here and I really learnt a lot. Teamwork is really important to me as a leader as it is really hard to make a team together as a leader. Thank you Hap Seng for organising this camp.” Juliette Teresa V. Monton, 12


“They taught me English and how to be creative which I lack, because I don’t really think that much. I like the fact that all the teachers spoke English during the camp. I learnt how to be enthusiastic about the things in life and how to be creative when I am making things.” Kong Sing Hung, 11


HAP SENG GROUP IoT (2017-2018) l A programme designed to train teachers to become mentors in the Young Innovators Challenge. l Teachers mentored students for Young Innovators Challenge (YIC) Sabah. 89 from 145 teams joined are from HSG IoT. l All 48 teachers mentored students to join YIC, state level. l More than 60% of awards at YIC Sabah won by students of participating schools. l The Rocking Volt team from SMK Tambunan made it to National YIC.

Cikgu Venadita (far right) and friends during the Boot Camp of Hap Seng IoT Program, held in SM Ken Hwa, 6th-8th March 2017.

“My proudest moment in this programme was seeing my students win some medals at a state level competition. We managed to get one gold, two silver and two bronze medals, and this achievement was being talked about for the whole week in my school when we got back. And, seeing my students pitching during the competition confidently was another proud moment for me. I never expected that my students would be able to present in front of the judges and converse well in English.” Venadita Extacia, Teacher, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Gunsanad, Keningau


“This programme changed my view of teaching. Now, I’m trying to nurture students with not just head knowledge but to encourage them to have big hearts as well. I noticed the difference in the students helping each other and being considerate through YIC. Having knowledge is just a consolation.” Clayrian Juing, Teacher, Sekolah Menengah St Martin Tampasak, Tambunan


HAP SENG GROUP INTERACTIVE STEM (2017) l 12 to 18 teachers and 60 students from 4 government primary schools in Kg Tg Batu, Tawau


“This training went beyond my expectations and I learnt a lot. I managed to refresh what I had learnt almost 15 years ago. All of a sudden, it came back to me so it has been an eye opening experience for me attending this course.” Haslinda Sharipudin, Teacher, Sekolah Kebangsaan Muhibbah Raya


TG BATU COMMUNITY CENTRE (2017-2020) l Approximately 100 participants joined the various activities and English classes, organised based on the different age groups – primary and secondary school students as well as adults l English proficiency of primary school students improved during mid-term oral and writing assessment

Tawau Community Centre

“We like to expose the kids to the idea of having a dream and goal in life. As part of our community service, we organised a Merdeka event where the kids had the chance to write a letter to our beloved Malaysia about their dreams and what they hoped to contribute to Malaysia one day. We organised an event to plant a seed as a symbolic to nurturing their own dreams, which reflects a quote from Aristotle – the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” Emilya Nurain Tomoyoshi, Trainer Volunteer of SOLS 24/7


“I found this programme to be very useful for me and the community here. We can improve our English and gain some confidence to speak English. The teachers are also very helpful and caring towards us. I am very thankful for them. “Moreover, I am a parent of one of the students under the same programme. I can see her improvement in English and IT, which makes me happy.” Emi Binti Wahab, 29-year-old participant of the Adult Class

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Tamara was previously an assistant editor and writer with Leaderonomics. She loves thought-provoking conversations over cups of tea. If she is not writing, you might find her hiking up a mountain in search of a new waterfall to explore.

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