Only As Good As Those Around Us.

Since I graduated, the world has been a big adventure for me. Each day I feel as though I am discovering something new, and each day I am beginning to realize just how much there is to know. A huge part of that adventure has been meeting new people, getting to know their work, realizing just how much people need other people, and how much we all stand to learn from one another.
Recently as part of my ‘discovering new things’ I got a little more insight into the refugee community in our country and the efforts being made to assist them. Through a friend, I got to meet a group of Dai women (an ethnic group from Myanmar) who made wire jewellery to sell. They were making the items to sell on Elevyn, an online trading and marketing platform.
The work of Elevyn (pronounced ‘eleven’) was an eye-opener for me. By providing a platform where marginalized communities can sell handmade crafts, Elevyn provides these communities with a way to earn a living. For many refugees, finding work can be an almost impossible task. By working with volunteers, Elevyn provides new skills, education, and resources to these communities, which give them an alternative to the dead ends they face.
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