Don’t Run With The Pack

Feb 03, 2017 1 Min Read


Effective organisations enable us to harness each other’s strengths, but it isn’t easy working with others. Here are ways to thrive in an organisational life. . .

#1 Don’t always run with the pack

You disappear if you always fall in line. Offer constructive dissent. The key term is “constructive”.

Any fool can poke holes in an idea. It takes forward-facing insight to disagree in ways that move the agenda forward.

Offer alternative perspectives as long as they support organisational objectives. A great idea that doesn’t move the agenda forward is a wasteful distraction.
Avoid coming off as resistant. Focus energy on seizing opportunities, more than solving problems or pointing out fault. Make things better or sit down and be quiet.


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#2 Swing your hammer mindfully

You aren’t worthy to lead if you don’t care about your impact on others. Give voice to your heart in ways that leave the intended impact. Toddlers don’t care how their behaviours affect others.

Choose to focus on things you like about people at least 80% of the time.
Explain your intentions. Tell people what you’re trying to achieve. Become more transparent with intentions when people use your transparency against you. Stay connected when you feel like pulling away.

Evaluate your impact. Check to see if the message they made is the one you sent.
Avoid game playing. Choose direct over subtle and honest over manipulative.
Turn to the future when addressing issues and solving problems.

You’re either oblivious or self-serving if others aren’t part of your operational equation.

#3 Grab the rope and pull with colleagues

Be helpful, as long as it doesn’t distract you from your core responsibilities.

#4 Align with the priorities of leadership

A great soccer player won’t help the swim team win.
Ask leaders and managers what they’re trying to accomplish.
Be sure you know why it matters.
Help leaders achieve their objectives, just don’t always run with the pack.

How might leaders thrive in organisational life?

Dan Rockwell is a coach, speaker and is freakishly interested in leadership. He is an author of a world-renowned most socially shared leadership blog Leadership Freak.

Reposted with permission







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