What I learnt from Steve Wozniak, Co-founder of Apple
May 28, 2018 • 1 Min Read

Nicknamed “Woz”, the ‘original geek’ Steve Wozniak was not only Steve Job’s partner in establishing Apple, he was also the inventor of the Apple II computer, which helped propel Apple to greatness.
Not only did he help shape the entire early computing industry, he is also a philanthropist and gave away a huge part of his fortune to others. Wozniak is a true geek in every sense of the word. He never created or invented ‘stuff’ to become rich and famous. He simply wanted to ‘make cool stuff’ and that was what motivated him.
In this Raise Your Game session, Roshan Thiran shares the formula of the elixir of happiness, success and life that he learned from the Wizard of Woz.
READ: What Entrepreneurs And Leaders Like You Can Learn From Steve Wozniak
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