Malaysia’s 100 Careers Fair

The Malaysia’s 100 Careers Fair 2014, an umbrella event under Mega Careers and Study Fair was held from Sep 6–7, 2014. It was estimated that more than 12,000 people attended the two-day event at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).
All booths at the fair were taken up by exhibitors, including Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers.
Among the highlights of the career fair was the Malaysia’s 100 Survey, which is the largest career survey ever done in Malaysia. It collected the views and opinions of students and fresh graduates in Malaysia about their employers of choice.
The results of the Graduate Barometer will be analysed and made public during the Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Awards which will be held in November this year.
The Leaderonomics Youth team also participated in this event and Youth Leader Majura Perashot said, “The organisers did a splendid job by providing a very comfortable and helpful atmosphere for the students, such as networking sessions between potential employers and graduates, and interactive smartboard games for visitors. The crowd was also entertained with a culinary presentation by celebrity chef, Malcolm Goh.”
The event received positive feedback from participants and exhibitors. Participants said that they would most definitely come back again and would love the organisers to host the event more often.
They also expressed satisfaction with information provided before the event.
Overall, the fair ran smoothly, with exhibitors and visitors alike satisfied with the outcome.
The next Mega Careers and Study Fair will take place from Feb 7–8, 2015, at KLCC.
Originally published in The Star’s MyStarJob pullout on 4 October, 2014.
For more information on the upcoming career fair, email