Top 10 Ways To Empower People In Your Workplace

Jun 14, 2013 1 Min Read


10. Show employees that you value them

Show your employees how much you value them with simple acts such as congratulating them on a job well done, thanking them for their hard work and effort, or just a simple pat on the back. As a leader, it is essential that you demonstrate your appreciation for each individual’s unique value add.

9. Share objectives and direction

Share the companies’ goals and direction with all employees. Tell them that these are goals not only of leadership of the company, but of every employee because every individual plays a crucial role in achieving the target. This will give employees a sense of ownership and belonging.

8. Reward initiative

When an employee takes ownership and takes the lead on tasks, reward them for their extra effort, and be sure to recognise them in front of others. This way, they would be motivated to keep up the good work, and other employees would be encouraged to follow suit.

7. Delegate authority

Don’t just pile more work on your employees, give them opportunities to take on leadership roles. Let them run big projects, lead client meetings and give them a degree of power to make decisions. As they are exposed to more situations, they will be able to grow and develop new skills.

6. Be generous in teaching

Some employees require training and preparation for their roles. Arrange for their training and development, and be available if they have questions or need guidance in their roles. Give them reassurance, but also challenge them continuously as they continue to learn.

5. Provide frequent feedback

Give your employees feedback on their performance. Let them know what they are doing right, and offer ways for them to improve. Stick to using positive words. For example use phrases like “perhaps you can try doing it this way…” or “why don’t we try this approach?” This way they won’t feel demotivated.

4. Trust your employees

A common norm in most organisations is to withhold company information for the top managerial levels. Trust your employees with the truth. Let them in on what is happening. Share numbers and keep them updated with where the company is and where it is heading.

3. Give solutions instead of pointing fingers

When a problem occurs, instead of asking what is wrong with people, ask if there is something wrong with the work system. Identify the root cause of the problem, and work together with the team to create solutions for the problem.

2. Provide guidance by asking questions

Most people do not like being told what to do. Instead of always directly telling your employees what to do, ask them questions. Know that they are capable of providing the right answers if they have the opportunity to come up with them. Ask them questions like “which do you think is the most effective way to…? Or “what steps do you recommend for…”

1. Spread the love

One of the key steps in employee empowerment is getting them to love the company. When they love their company, they are motivated to give their best for the company. Have group activities and outings and make your employees feel that they are part of a big family.

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